institute for regenerative livelihoods

Reading Circle

Reading circles help us to understand timeless wisdom.

Reading Circle

The Guided Reading & Discourse Education (GRADE) course is designed to enhance reading discipline and critical thinking and includes both traditional texts as well as contemporary works.
Kitāb Ādāb al-Maʿīshah wa Akhlāq al-Nubuwwah
(Book of the Virtues of Prophethood & the Ethics of Livelihood)

GRADE Course number 4 will be held over six, 2-hour online weekly sessions on Imām al-Ghazālī, Iḥyāʾ ʿUlūm al-Dīn, Book 20, Kitāb Ādāb al-Maʿīshah wa Akhlāq al-Nubuwwah (Book of the Virtues of Prophethood & the Ethics of Livelihood), offered in conjunction with the blessed Mawlid of the Prophet, ṣallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam.

The course will be conducted by Dr. Adi Setia of IRL over five sessions, with a special guest appearance of Habib Sayyid Muhyi al-Din al-Attas who will conduct the last session six together with Dr. Adi Setia in discussing the significance of this ḥilyah nabawiyyah in relation to recovering the ethos and praxis of Islamic Community Building.

Translations of each chapter of the 13 short chapters of the text are provided in pdf format to all registered students together with the original Arabic text, also in pdf format. Other translations of the text may also be provided for the reference of students.

Selected texts in the Islamic Gift Economy (IGE), with many cross-references to current discussions on Right Livelihood & the Common Good are also provided to students through accessing the GRADE Library to help them relate the text creatively and critically to historical and current contexts, especially as they relate to our engagement with all aspects of modern economics and finance. 

May He accept the efforts of all those behind the facilitation of this course and those who participate in it, and bless us all with the best of Returns, for “Indeed we belong to God, and indeed to Him we will return” [Qur’ān: 2:156].
Our course consists of 6 weekly online sessions, taking place on Saturdays and lasting approximate 120 minutes each. These sessions will include 60 to 90 minutes of exploration of the text by the teacher, followed by in-depth guided discussions and Q&A. To maximise the value of the sessions, students should read the assigned pages beforehand and submit any questions they have prior to or during the session.

Certificate of Participation

Granted to students who have at least attend 1 session.

Program Details

Key dates
Start Date: 26 October 2024
Registration Deadline: 25 October 2024
Limited seats available
current read

Kitāb Ādāb al-Maʿīshah wa Akhlāq al-Nubuwwah
(Book of the Virtues of Prophethood & the Ethics of Livelihood)

Author: Imam al-Ghazali
Translated by: Dr. Adi Setia
course highlights
  • 26 October - 30 November 2024
  • 6 weekly session
  • Saturdays
  • Approx. 2 hours per session
  • Online session
  • Book PDF included
  • Recordings available

USD 50