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Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods

Establishing the Islamic Gift Economy and Social Permaculture
to Create Self-reliant Communities
“In an age of consumption,
producing knowledge, food, and culture,
autonomously and ethically,
is a prophetic, defiant, and radical act.”
about us

Institute for
Regenerative Livelihoods

The Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods provides courses, retreats, and consultation services for building self-reliant communities.

The organisation's core is the Islamic Gift Economy, an economic system based on the principles of mutual giving and receiving through fair social and commercial exchange, leading to the ethical sharing of natural and cultural abundance. It offers a holistic approach to earning a livelihood and community building that integrates material and spiritual wellbeing into everyday interactions and transactions.

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our flagship program

PEARL Essentials

Dive into our flagship course, the Program for Ethical, Appropriate & Regenerative Livelihoods (PEARL), to explore the importance of ethics and moral purpose to cultivate a thriving ecosystem of individuals, communities and ecology. A self-paced, pre-recorded course.

Join Now!


ARLECT 2024 focuses on Community Investment Funding connecting like-minded individuals with shared concerns for building socioeconomically vibrant communities through mobilising and structuring internal and external resources for community self-funding. From small-scale individual enterprises to big-scale community socio-economic ecosystems, participants will experience what amounts to a living, breathing, tried-and-tested model for securing the socio-economic well-being of communities. 

Our Programs

Essential Course

Dive into PEARL Essentials: a 12.5-hr self-paced foundational course on the Islamic Gift Economy and Regenerative Livelihoods.

Advanced Course

Enrol in PEARL Advanced: a 60-hr live course for an in-depth study of the Islamic Gift Economy and Social Permaculture over 12 modules.


Join our agro ecological retreat with a deep-dive into social permaculture and hands-on farming experiences.


Looking to establish an ethical project? Seek our advice for your project or business. We offer a free session for our Advanced Course students and alumni.


"Discontent with the "halalification" of capitalism, I was looking for solutions yet never heard of Islamic Gift Economy and Social Permaculture. The course opened my eyes to a unique understanding of articulating Islamic political economy."

IGE PEARL Student, 2020

"ARLECT retreat made me reflect on a number of things, most importantly the Quran's relationship to nature and farming and how social permaculture is inline with all traditional Islamic texts.

ARLECT Participant, 2023

"The PEARL Course introduced very important concepts in transactions/projects; as well as practical skills that can be used in everyday life"

IGE PEARL Student, 2023

"Excellent! [The program] changed my view on how to see the economy, money and wealth!"

IGE PEARL Student, 2023

"The course content was well presented and engaging. I hadn't come across much of the concepts prior to the course, so found it very stimulating and thought provoking!"

IGE PEARL Student, 2023